
Declarations that inform our praxis and affirm our existence.

How to use this page

The following documents and speeches are foundational to our work and collective liberation through education. This is a living canon, growing and changing as we do.

Click the links to download, learn, share, practice and teach these works and their creators.

By date of publication:

Ain’t I A Woman? 1851

A speech delivered by Sojourner Truth in 1851 at the Women’s Rights Convention in Akron, Ohio. Sojourner did not write or read, so this text was aurally recorded, titled, and published 1851 and republished in 1863.

I Have A Dream 1963

A speech delivered by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. at the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom

A Talk to Teachers 1963

James Baldwin, first delivered October 16, 1963, as “The Negro Child-His Self-Image“, published in The Saturday Review, December 21, 1963, reprinted in The Price of the Ticket, Collected Non-Fiction 1948-1985, Saint Martins 1985.

Malcolm X Last Speech 1965

Delivered by Malcolm X on Feb 14th, 1965 in Detroit, Michigan, the day after his home was bombed. He was murdered one week later in Harlem, New York.

The Black Panther Party 10 Point Program 1967

Written by BPP founders Huey P. Newton and Bobby Seale, the manifesto was published on May 15, 1967, in the second issue of the party's weekly newspaper, The Black Panther.

Lament for Confederation 1967

A speech written and delivered by Chief Dan George of səlilwətaɬ Nation in 1967 at Canada’s centennial celebration in Vancouver, British Columbia.

Street Transvestite Action Revolutionaries Manifesto 1970

Founded by Sylvia Rivera and Marsha P. Johnson in New York City.

10 Principles of Disability Justice 2015

Developed by the founders of Sins Invalid a disability justice performance project in the San Francisco Bay Area.

The 5 Tenets of Open Access 2015

A framework developed by Carmen Papalia that encourages accessibility to be understood, embodied, and integrated at all institutional levels.

Guerilla Girls ManifestA: For Art Museums Everywhere 2024

Published in 2024 by Guerilla Girls, an anonymous rotating group of women artists activists, founded in New York City 1985.