I Dream Library x Vancouver Art Gallery
I Dream Library x Vancouver Art Gallery *
Remembering As Repair
June 11, 2022 - January 8, 2023
Curated in response to the Exhibit Uninvited: Canadian Women Artists in the Modern Moment
Young Activist Reading Room: Remembering As Repair connects students of all ages with themes of access, relationship to land, and identity in Canada. You will find literary selections confronting the representation of popular subjects of white Canadian women artists in the modern moment: landscape, colonized people, and the feminine. How can we re/consider the layers of power at play on each colourful canvas? This room offers a moment to rest, and encourages remembering as repair.
- Aisha Kiani & Rakim

How to use this page
A portal to equity learning, teaching prompts, and systems change inspiration
Click on the hyperlinks to learn more about each artist, designer, and storyteller.
Click on the book titles to learn more about the story, creators, art, equity topics, and languages used in each one.
Videos introduce the book’s themes and creators, to engage visual and auditory learners, and inspire equity conversations with students, colleagues friends and family
Danielle Murrell Cox | Rashelle Campbell | Anna de Courcy | Taylor Lee Koble | Debbie I-Ching Sun

soft sculpture, textile, and visual artworks
A tactile approach to understanding themes of Canadian landscape and the feminine as represented in the exhibit’s artworks.

This library offers historical context to the missing and muted voices in the exhibit’s presentation of “Canadian” “Woman” “Artist” through connecting visitors to 19th and 20th century colonial worldview and laws on Turtle Island, and the present day impact. Remembering As Repair asks, ‘Who was lawfully Canadian? Who had legal status and protections as a woman? Who had rights and access to land(scape)?’
Picture Books
2SQTI/BIPoC femme history and cultures in Canada
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Dear Black Girls
A letter to all Black girls. No two Black girls are the same and they are all special—to be a Black girl is a true gift. Kezna and Shanice remind young readers that they all deserve to be loved just the way they are.
Missing Nimâmâ
Told in alternating voices of child and mother, Missing Nimâmâ is a story of love, loss, and acceptance, showing the human impact of an ongoing national tragedy, #MMIWG2S (Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women Girls and Two-Spirit)
Middle Grade
novels + graphic novels
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Young Adult +
poetry + novels + anthology + illustrated non-fiction + exhibition book
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How She Read
A mediation on motherhood and daughterhood, belonging, loss and recovery, the collection weaves the voices of Black women, past and present. As Gibson dismantles the grammar of her Queen Elizabeth English, sister scholars talk back, whisper, suck teeth, curse and carry on from canonized texts, photographs and art gallery walls, reinterpreting their image, re-reading their bodies and claiming their space in a white, hegemonic landscape.
Disappearing Moon Cafe
A Canadian literary classic (…) and unflinchingly honest portrait of a Chinese Canadian family that pulses with life and moral tensions, this family saga takes the reader from the wilderness in nineteenth-century British Columbia to late twentieth-century Hong Kong, to Vancouver's Chinatown (…) the plot reveals a compelling microcosm of the history of race and gender relations in this country.
Lorraine O’Grady: Writing In Space 1973-2019
The writings of conceptual artist Lorraine O'Grady, who for over forty years has investigated the complicated relationship between text and image. A firsthand account of O'Grady's wide-ranging practice, this volume contains statements, scripts, and previously unpublished notes charting the development of her performance work and conceptual photography; her art and music criticism (…) critical and theoretical essays on art and culture (…) and interviews.
Photography Books
Black + Indigenous artists / athletes navigating land access
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