Black Writers Matter

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Edited by Whitney French + Forward by Afua Cooper

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Edited by Whitney French + Forward by Afua Cooper

Edited by Whitney French + Forward by Afua Cooper

"Black Writers? African, Bluesy, Classical, Disrespectful,  Erudite, Fiery, Groovy, Haunting, Inspiring, Jazzy, Knowing, Liberating, Militant, Nervy, Optimistic, Pugnacious, Quixotic, Rambunctious, Seductive, Truculent, Urgent, Vivacious, Wicked, X-ray sharp, Yearning, Zesty. And so, they matter!" —George Elliott Clarke

An anthology of African-Canadian writing, Black Writers Matter offers a cross-section of established writers and newcomers to the literary world who tackle contemporary and pressing issues with beautiful, sometimes raw, prose. As editor Whitney French says in her introduction, Black Writers Matter “injects new meaning into the word diversity [and] harbours a sacredness and an everydayness that offers Black people dignity. ” An “invitation to read, share, and tell stories of Black narratives that are close to the bone,” this collection feels particular to the Black Canadian experience.

Pre-owned edition

Paperback 216 pages

Publisher: University of Regina Press

Edition: Revised

Published: November 6, 2021

Physical Dimensions: 6" x 9"

Shipping Weight: 0.25 lbs.

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